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Ispirer Database Conversion overview.

Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software

Cursor Declaration

This subsection describes cursor declaration statements in various databases and their conversion by SQLWays. You must declare a cursor before referencing it in other statements. When declaring a cursor you associate it with a specific query

TABLE 43. Cursor Declaration Statements in Various Databases
Microsoft SQL Server
 DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR 
FOR select_statement
[ FOR UPDATE [OF column1 [{ , columnN...} ]]] 
Declares a cursor and defines its attributes such as scrolling behavior and the query used to build the result set for the cursor.
FORWARD_ONLY specifies that the cursor can only be scrolled from the first to the last row. FETCH NEXT is the only supported fetch option.
SCROLL specifies access to fetch options (FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE) are available.
select_statement specifies a SELECT statement that defines the result set of the cursor.
CURSOR cursor_name
cur_param1 [IN] data_type [ {:= | DEFAULT} exp]
[, cur_paramN [IN] data_type [ {:= | DEFAULT} 
IS select_statement; 
Declares a cursor and associates it with a specific query.
cur_paramN is a formal cursor parameter that can appear in a query wherever a constant can appear. The formal parameters of a cursor must be IN parameters. The query can also reference other PL/SQL variables within its scope.
Select_statement is a query that returns a result set. If the cursor declaration declares parameters, each parameter must be used in the query.
Declares a cursor and associates it with a specific query.
select_statement specifies a SELECT statement that defines the result set of the cursor.

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