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Please, note, that Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 is no longer supported and provided to clients.
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Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software



A floating-point number. Precision p can be <=24 for a single-precision floating-point number (allowable values are -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38) and between 25 and 53 for a double-precision floating-point number.

The p is the precision, or the total number of digits. The s is the scale, or the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

FLOAT without arguments stands for a single-precision floating-point number. In MySQL Version 3.23, this is a true floating-point value. In earlier MySQL versions, FLOAT(p) always has 2 decimals. All calculations in MySQL are done with double precision.

If UNSIGNED is specified, negative values are not allowed.

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