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Please, note, that Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 is no longer supported and provided to clients.
You can try out automated conversion of databases and applications with Ispirer Toolkit for free. Download free trial.
Check out the relevant toolkit documentation.

Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software

Step 5 - Specify Export File Options

On this page you specify location and other options for export files such as:

Output data file: C:\Program Files\Ispirer\SQLWays 3.7\Project\gsd_locker_assignment.txt

If the Divide data file into parts of check box is selected it is possible to define the largest possible file size for text files in the edit box (2G is specified by default). G, M, K postfix can be specified to define gigabytes, megabytes and kilobytes. When this limit is exceeded SQLWays divides the text file into parts. Each file contains a whole number of rows. SQLWays creates the files: table_name.txt, table_name2.txt, ... table_nameN.txt.
Note: The minimal part size must exceed the maximum row size (without LOB data) multiplied by the prefetch row count.

If splitting is specified and file is split, log record contains (sqlways.log):

Data file was divided into 2 files of 1G:
Output data file: C:\Program Files\Ispirer\SQLWays 3.7\Project\gsd_locker_assignment.txt
Output data file: C:\Program Files\Ispirer\SQLWays 3.7\Project\gsd_locker_assignment2.txt

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