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Please, note, that Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 is no longer supported and provided to clients.
You can try out automated conversion of databases and applications with Ispirer Toolkit for free. Download free trial.
Check out the relevant toolkit documentation.

Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software

Return Codes

If the exporting was successful, the SQLWays return code is 0. Otherwise, the return code is -1. You can use this feature in batch files.

For example:

@echo off
SQLWays /d=datasource /u=user /p=pwd /t=table
if errorlevel 0 goto ok
echo Converting error
goto ex
echo no errors

SQLWays can also return 1. This is possible when the /NSTOP option is used, and it means that the last operation was successful but there has been an intermediate error (for example, processing of one of the previous tables failed).

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