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Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software

Data Options

SQLWays exports data to text files.

A datetime format can be composed of one or more datetime format elements as listed below.

YYYY - 4-digit year
YY - Last 2 digits of year
MM - 2-digit numeric abbreviation of month (01-12)
MON - 3-symbol abbreviated name of month (JAN, FEB etc)
DD - 2-digit day of month (01-31)
HH - 2-digit hour of day (01-12)
HH12 - 2-digit hour of day (01-12)
HH24 - 2-digit hour of day (00-23)
MI - 2-digit minute (00-59)
SS - 2-digit second (00-59)

F - Fraction of second. The number of F symbols represents the precision. For example, FFF for accuracy to the milliseconds and FFFFFF for accuracy to the microseconds. For example, to get datetime values like 21-DEC-2002 21-21-00 set the datetime format DD-MON-YYYY HH24-MI-SS. If the Use datetime format check box is clear, the default datetime format is used. By default, ODBC drivers convert datetime values using the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF (the part FFF depends on database).

YYYY - 4-digit year
YY - Last 2 digits of year
MM - 2-digit numeric abbreviation of month (01-12)
MON - 3-symbol abbreviated name of month (JAN, FEB etc)
DD - 2-digit day of month (01-31)

For example, to get date values like 21-DEC-2002, set the datetime format DD-MON-YYYY. If the Use date format check box is clear, the default date format is used. By default, ODBC drivers convert date values using the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.

HH - 2-digit hour of day (01-12)
HH12 - 2-digit hour of day (01-12)
HH24 - 2-digit hour of day (00-23)
MI - 2-digit minute (00-59)
SS - 2-digit second (00-59)

For example, to get time values like 21-21-00 set the time format HH24-MI-SS. If the Use time format check box is clear, the default time format is used. By default, ODBC drivers convert time values using the ISO format HH24:MI:SS.

To specify Data Export options in the command prompt

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