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Please, note, that Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 is no longer supported and provided to clients.
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Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software

/TABLST - Generate list of tables available by using template

Syntax: /TABLST=ListFileName

When this option is specified, SQLWays only generates the file containing the list of tables matching the template in /T option.

For example, the command SQLWays /t=dept.* /tablst=dept.lst generates the list of tables belonging to the DEPT schema into the file dept.lst. Then you can comment tables that you don't want to convert (using a semicolon in the first line position) and run SQLWays /tf=dept.lst.

You can also use this option to see which tables are available in the source database.

If the file name is not explicitly specified, the default name is sqlways.lst. SQLWays creates the file in the directory specified by the /DIR option.

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