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Please, note, that Ispirer SQLWays 6.0 is no longer supported and provided to clients.
You can try out automated conversion of databases and applications with Ispirer Toolkit for free. Download free trial.
Check out the relevant toolkit documentation.
Ispirer Application Conversion overview.

Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software



FLOAT data type is used to store single-precision and double-precision floating-point numbers.

A single-precision floating-point number is a 32-bit approximation of a real number. The number can be zero or can range from -3.402E+38 to -1.175E-37, or from 1.175E-37 to 3.402E+38. The range of n is 1 to 24. IBM DB2 internally represents the single-precision FLOAT data type as the REAL data type.

A double-precision floating-point number is a 64-bit approximation of a real number. The number can be zero or can range from -1.79769E+308 to -2.225E-307, or from 2.225E-307 to 1.79769E+308. The range of n is 25 to 53. IBM DB2 internally represents thedouble-precision FLOAT data type as the DOUBLE [PRECISION] data type.

If n is not specified the default value is 53.


A single-precision floating-point number.


A double-precision floating-point number.

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