Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software
ODBC Sybase ASA Driver Setup Dialog: Database Tab
The third tab from the left is the Database tab. If you are configuring an ODBC DSN for an ASA installation on the same machine, you specify the name and location of the server file and database file as shown in the following screen. This screen also allows you to configure whether to start or shut down the database when connecting or disconnecting. This is definitely something to keep in mind when configuring and then using an ASA DSN.
The Database tab of the ODBC Configuration dialog has the following components:
Do not enter a Server Name if you want to connect to the default local personal server or if you want to start a database server from a database file on your local machine. If you do not have a default personal server and you omit the server name, the connection fails.
- Start line The start line is a command to start a personal database server or a network server on your machine. Enter a start line only if you want to connect to a local database server that is not currently running and if you want to set your own start parameters. You must enter the full path of the server, for example to start the personal database server enter, c:\Program Files\Sybase\SQL Anywhere 9\win32\dbeng9.exe.
You can also include options in the Start Line field. The start line and options are used when you want to:
- Database name Each database running on a server is identified by a database name. Type the name of the database you are connecting to.
- Database file Specify the database file when the database you want to connect to is not currently running on a server. It is recommended that you type the full path and name of the database file, for example, C:\sample.db. Otherwise, the path of the file is relative to the working directory of the server.
- Encryption key If the database file is encrypted, you must supply a key to the database server every time the database server starts the database.
If the database is strongly encrypted using AES or MDSR, you must specify a key in this field to access the database.
You can also supply encryption options in the Start Line field.
You should clear the Start Database Automatically option if you want to ensure that you connect only to a running database.