Ispirer SQLWays Database Migration Software
[Common] Subsection
This subsection is used for specifying the general options of the migration project. Options from this subsection can also be specified in the command line. When any of these options is not specified in the command line, its value is taken from the initialization file.
- DSN - for the /D option (Data source name)
- USER - for the /U option (User name)
- PWD - for the /P option (Password)
- TARGET - for the /TARGET option (Target database)
- TARGET_PRODUCT - for the /TPROD option (Target database product)
- TARGET_VERSION - for the /TVER option (Target database version)
- MIGRATION_SEQUENCE - for the /MIGS option (Migration sequence). The default value is Clean.
- IMPORT_SYSTEM - for the /IMPS option (Import system). The default value is Windows.
- DIR - for the /DIR option (Export directory)
- LOBDIR - for the /LOBDIR option (Directory for LOB files)
- IMPORT_DIR - for the /IMPDIR option (Import directory)
- IMPORT_LOBDIR - for the /IMPLOB option (Import directory for LOB files)
- OUTFORMAT - for the /OF option (Output text format)
- PREFETCHROWS - for the /R option (Prefetch count). The default value is 1000.
- NONSTOP - for the /NSTOP option (Continue when an error occurs). The default value is Yes. Possible values - Yes, No.